


Mobile Amusements All About Zeemote

May 8th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Gaming Gear | 2 Comments »

MobileamusementsIt seems the first developer to fully support the Zeemote has been found. After reading our editorial yesterday, Mobile Amusements announced today that all their new titles will support the Zeemote.

ZeemoteWith this step, adoption of the thumbstick is another step closer and as Mobile Amusements provides their titles on Greystripe, they are accessible to the full thumbstick loving audience. Who’s next?

    2 Responses to “Mobile Amusements All About Zeemote”

    1. For the official record here…
      Mobile Amusements are not the first developer to support the Zeemote device and of course there are other developers before us. Rather we were first in relation to the original blog’s editorial calling for more developers to sign up that went on to sign I guess.
      Hope that clears this up and all mobile developers should support this great device in unison we feel to move the gaming experience on for all mobile games players and consumers.
      Adrian Cummings

    2. huzzza says:

      IMHO cool job.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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