


BREW 2008: EA Wants More Mobile Gaming Features

June 1st, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Platforms: Brew | No Comments »

EamobileIn order for mobile games to go forward, EA Mobile thinks devices need to open up more. Low level access to functionality would allow better and more interactive mobile gaming experiences.

Such functionality would for example, allow mobile gamers to interact with each other by use of voice while playing their game. Also, possibilities like having their own set of music on the background would really personalize the experience.

BrewSuch functionality is already available on devices like the Xbox 360 and the PSP, but not only requires BREW and certainly J2me to have access to low-level technologies on the devices, but also a good data network. With the current mobile multiplayer games, lag keep being something developers have to consider while developing their mobile games. Having to transport voice and perhaps even video chats, means an even bigger use of the limited bandwidth.

Though some countries are already advancing with their mobile networks by integrating technologies like HSDPA, most countries will roll out such technologies much slower. Also, a market like the US, doesn’t even offer 3G connections on a country-wide level.

For devices based on technologies like Symbian, Windows Mobile and Linux (LiMo, Android etc), accessing these functions is no problem at all. Still the number of delivery channels that are able to sell such games are more limited which results in a lot of high-end device owners buying J2me titles.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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