


Greystripe Shows Success for Ad Funded Mobile Games

June 5th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | No Comments »

GreystripeTomorrow, Greystripe will reveal a report which shows the success of free ad-funded mobile games. We already took a quick peek at the report and noticed a 10.1% average click-through amongst other details.

The report shows that 75% of the mobile gamers on Greystripe’s Gamejump portal are between 18 and 34 years old. The male/female public seems to be mirroring other reports as 40% are female while 60% are male.

To make the demographic even more interesting for advertisers, 90.2% of the players are decision makers for their families. While web banner ads stick at a 1.5% conversion, Greystripe sees 10.1%.

"The type of targeting data that Greystripe uses is invaluable for the mobile ad industry to take off, as advertisers need to understand who they are reaching," said Christine Perey, Research Analyst at Perey Research & Consulting. "In particular, this type of data will allow mobile to bring brands closer to their best prospects and engage with their most loyal customers.  Greystripe helps move advertising beyond lead generation towards interactive and, eventually, transactional experiences.”

Insight into the habits of mobile game-playing consumers provides information necessary for more effective advertising and also serves to improve the user experience. The increased knowledge into which games consumers are looking for allows advertisers to target their message more efficiently and allows distribution partners to merchandise the games users want. Since the company launched GameJump and the AdWRAP Catalog Program in 2006, over 65 million ad-sponsored games have been downloaded with the average gamer playing each game a total of 66 minutes. 

“By amassing our user data, we are able to continue moving towards our two main goals: creating both the most engaging brand advertising experience and an amazing player experience all the way from download to game play,” said Michael Chang, CEO of Greystripe. “The more we know about our users, the more we can do to ensure that they are having fun with our publishers’ games.”

More insight into Greystripe’s consumers is available online and free to anyone interested at insights@greystripe.com.  This data includes: which game devices users own, what carriers they use, the top 20 downloaded games, and more personal information, such as how many kids they have, what types of soda they drink, how often they go to the movies and what kind of cars they drive.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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