


MoConDi Near Death

September 23rd, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | 1 Comment »

Since our call for tips a few days back, we managed to get a lot of additional rumors on the current status of MoConDi Ltd. and so Overloaded Pocket Media B.V.

Let’s kick off with MoConDi owned Overloaded. According to the Dutch Chambers of Commerce, that company is still actively trading and located at the Herengracht in Amsterdam. The website overloaded.com is still active but shows outdated information. Also we are not aware of any current staff inside the company. The website mobilegamestop10.com has not been updated with new devices and games for ages. The newest mobile game is Spiderman 3, delivered by Telcogames. As most of you know, Telcogames stopped trading a few months back. The newest device is still the Nokia N73. The weekly SMS alerts are still working though.

For MoConDi, we had some help to find official documentation around the status of the company. On the 16th of September, both the director (Stephen Cole) and Secretary (Elisabeth Olsen) resigned from the company while they just started on the 11th of February of 2008. According to the English Companies House, there are no connections to overseas companies like The Mobile Media Company, N-Visio and Overloaded. The next accounts due date is the 31st of October.

Some other irregularities show up on the contact page of The Mobile Media Company. MoConDi is taken off the UK map, but for the LA address, MoConDi contacts are shown.

To conclude, we can say that the organization is shaking (if it didn’t already fall on the 16th of this month). So if you have any amounts outstanding, it is time to get in action and secure your belongings.

By the way, all Mocondi, Mobile Media and N-Visio contacts we checked out didn’t work.

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    One Response to “MoConDi Near Death”

    1. I will be sad to see them go in some respects (well Overloaded anyway) as that is where it all began for me pretty much via yourself Arjan as you know.
      All seemed to go a bit tits up when Endemol moved on and CEO Ashu Mathura parted ways with Overloaded… and then you went eventually also of course.
      Once Mocondi/Mobile Media took over Overloaded accounts I started to see a steeper decline in revenues until eventually nothing much at all really.
      Overloaded appeared to me at least to be a very dynamic company with it’s finger on the pulse of mobile… now it’s just a dead carcass of a company it seems (sniff).

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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