


Greystripe’s Radioshack Results

September 25th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Ad Funded Gaming | No Comments »

Recently, Radioshack has executed a big advertising campaign over the Greystripe network in order to increase brand awareness and educate consumers to use its mobile website.

Results from RadioShack’s mobile advertising campaign indicated a significant statistical increase in unaided brand awareness from exposed respondents; awareness levels rose from 15.8% to 24.2%, for a total 8.4% increase. Additionally, there was a 5.9% increase in the number of respondents who agreed that RadioShack is a “Top Wireless Store.”

Interestingly, a closer look at the brand metrics by gender revealed that the ad campaign resonated best with the female audience, as several significant metric increases were observed within this segment (see chart). The campaign also performed well with respondents ages 25-34. Among this group, unaided brand awareness increased by 10.9%, while the “Top Wireless Store” metric jumped 16.7%.

Finally, according to the study, the campaign outperformed mobile norms for unaided brand awareness by 2.2%. Compared to online campaign statistics, the mobile campaign came in 3.8% higher for brand awareness and 1.6% higher for purchase consideration.

“Based on our Mobile AdInsights analysis, the campaign that Greystripe developed for RadioShack was clearly a winner on many fronts,” said Joy Liuzzo, Director of Mobile Research and Marketing at InsightExpress. “Once again, we’ve seen that the mobile channel is not only effective, but can be instrumental in driving key brand metrics among important target audiences.”

“Mobile AdInsights has provided the feedback we need to continue to develop highly effective mobile campaigns for RadioShack and other advertiser clients,” said Jenny Burrington, Director of Advertising Sales at Greystripe. “This type of validating information has not only illustrated the success of this specific campaign, but also underscored the viability of mobile as a key marketing channel.”

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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