


Nokia Closing Mosh!?

March 18th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in 1 | 1 Comment »

According to an article on Reuters, Nokia is going to close down it's MOSH portal. The portal that was all about sharing was always a thorn in the eye of the mobile games industry as it was widely used to share pirated mobile games.

According to one of the founders of Mosh (George Linardos), one of the main problems was that the service was hard to steer and lacked control. Though there is no closing date yet, it is expected that the closure will happen by the time that the new Ovi site goes live.

Next to pirated mobile games, the service was also stuffed with illegally copied music and video content. This put a lot of stress on the connection between Nokia and the music labels. The service also attracted lot of Adult content. Not the type of content that Nokia wishes to be affiliated with.

David MacQueen from Strategy Analytics said Nokia has been able to learn a lot from Mosh — how to run an open store, how to get developers products quickly to the market and how user recommendations should work.

"Mosh will die, but I would contend that in many ways the new Ovi Store is the child of Mosh rather than the child of Download," MacQueen said.

Check the full story here.

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    One Response to “Nokia Closing Mosh!?”

    1. Bugger! I had all my adwrap content on there and it did ok too – oh well another one bites the dust.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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