


Baby News – Stu

May 11th, 2009 by Arjan Olsder Posted in People | 6 Comments »

Pocket-gamer The mobile games industry is one big family. As that family is expending, we will start featuring something new called Baby News. As so, we congratulate Stu from Pocket Gamer today. We don’t know if the little one has stuck it’s head out already, but we know it’s about to happen. Congratulations! (leave your messages after the jump).

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    6 Responses to “Baby News – Stu”

    1. BitRabbit says:

      If I believe Stu’s twitter, Alexander Frederick was born on the 4th of May 🙂 Congrats Stu !

    2. Just another father says:

      His away message is clear on that:
      The baby was a six and a half pound boy, by the way. Everyone involved doing well!
      So congrats stu

    3. sam says:

      Nice one Stu. One of the good guys – along with Arjen that is. Come to think of it Tim Green at ME is a gent also!!! What is it with this industry that we get the nicest bloggers and journos!

    4. Stu says:

      Thanks for the nice story, and the comments! Yes, what they said – Alexander was born last week, and is doing well.
      I am on paternity leave for a couple of weeks, although today that has mostly involved playing iPhone Peggle in one hand while holding Alex in the other arm ;o)

    5. Arjan Olsder says:

      Ah, good old Peggle. Just got it for my nano (already played it to death on my PC and Mac). Probably the only good game on that device. I wonder if the iPhone gameplay is just as good.

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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