


3GSM: IbxGames Launched

February 12th, 2007 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Companies & M&A | No Comments »

This year at 3GSM there is a fresh mobile gaming company launching into this highly competitive market space. The company is called IbxGames and seems to fucuss on connected games mostly. The first games they will launch are Armored Forces, OGame Mobile and Wrooam.

“The mobile games sector is a very significant market and it has yet to reach its full potential,” says, Fabian Thiele, the CEO of lbxgames. “There is an opportunity to reach an enormous global audience and create entirely new forms of entertainment. lbxgames has a great deal of experience in the online world. By combining that with our dedicated mobile technology and using experienced mobile designers to create and develop new games, we believe we can create something very new with a huge appeal to players worldwide.”

“Connected gaming is a key driver of the mobile games and entertainment market,” says Fabian. “In addition to multiplayer gaming, it provides developers, publishers and networks with new opportunities to engage with the consumer and create new and ongoing revenue streams. Options like subscriptions, downloading additional material, new game content and contacting other players from directly within the game. lbxgames has created a technology base that allows us to incorporate these features into all of our games and applications and creates something appealing for consumers, publishers and networks alike.”

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    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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